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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who Else Wants To Kick Ass? Read on...

Who Else Wants To Kick Ass? Read on...

Everyone WANTS to Kick Ass...   YOU DO IT!

You Pull Off Moves That Others Only Dream About! It's Your Power! It's Your Love For Your Family and Friends! It's Your Internal Fortitude That IS at a MUCH HIGHER LEVEL Than the Average Person Can Even Come close To Understanding.

If they didn't know if before, they do now...   YOU KICK ASS!

New Release: Power Mind Mastery V, The "I Kick Ass" Subliminal Video 2.0

"I didn't know I had this power inside me! I watched this video and did the written exercises every day and something changed in my belief in myself. Not something like "I Lost 10 pounds"...   I'm talking a complete transformation at the core of the deepest part of me on the inside. You want some proof? I quit smoking, quit drinking, started working out hard (to complete exhaustion), my mental faculties now operate at about 7 times (it seems) the speed of the average person. I completely changed my diet and I've never been happier with "Who I Am" and "What I Stand For". I am not being paid a dime to write this and it is completely voluntary. Some people don't have what it takes to operate at this level AND I WAS one of those people about 30 days ago! I was trained by Nelson Berry Through the Videos, Written Exercises and Repetition. If you don't want to make your life BIG and make it the way that YOU WANT IT TO BE -- then don't order this video and follow directions. If you do, like I did, then do it. I have never experienced this much power in my life! Money? I made $10,000  last week which normally takes me 3+ months!!!!"
Chari Thompson, Irvine, CA USA

I could probably stop there and say that's it, here's the order link and stop but that is NOT what's going to happen today because...   well I've been doing this for 20 years and am living my "dream life" AND YOU CAN DO THE SAME THING!

Then why do I do this you say? Because I want to help you! That's it!

Yeah, we all have had that "dark tunnel" of our lives that have to go through...    you might be stuck in it right now!? If you are or if you are not, it's ok!

When are you ready to start?

"Ready to start what?" you might ask.

The Subliminal Audio & Video Commands on The "I Kick Ass" Subliminal Video 2.0 of the Power Mind Mastery Series:

- I Am The Best!
- I Am A Multi-Millionaire!
- I Represent Honor, Power, Hope and Compassion!
- My Life is Easy!
- I Have Just Gone Through a Miracle Transformation!
- My Love Is My Honor & Respect!
- My Power Is The Demonstration Of My Love.
- My Life Is Run 100% On This Power!
- I Get What I Want Almost Every Time!
- I Do What I've Been Trained To Do!
- Now I Know What I Am Doing And Life Is Easy!

It's like "something" takes over and starts driving for you. You take your hands off the wheel, look around, take a nap, roll around and laugh at the thought of how simple and easy life actually is.


Re-read those last few a couple of times...

Are you ready?

You need to reach out and grab my hand and trust me...

I'll show you exactly how to do it in the fastest amount of time.

You will feel this in about 10 seconds.  Many are saying that the Power Mind Mastery Subliminal Video 2.0 Series is Our Best Work Yet!  We're getting tons of email thanking us for helping them and giving us spiritual blessings.

Click Here, Download & Follow Directions:

This is MAC & PC Compatible PLUS you get 24/7 streaming video so you can login from anywhere, anytime you need some "juice".

You have a 60 Day Guarantee with Clickbank (largest online retailer out there).  60 Days.

Click Here:

This type of advancement requires certain tools that they don't have at your local bookstore and requires "knowledge not taught in college".

Let's do this together...

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. We have a limited supply of these videos available due to licensing agreements we have in place with the owners of this incredible video footage.  Once we sell out, you missed your chance and there won't be anything either of us can do about it.


All instructions included!

© Copyright MMX Nelson Berry
All Rights Reserved

For faster response, contact our help desk at for all questions and support issues.

Nelson Berry
4800 Baseline Road, Ste. E104-408
Boulder, CO 80303

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