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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits III The Cash Captivating Charisma High Powered Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video

You have the single most magnetizing quality there is… Cash Captivating Charisma!

It's one thing to have charisma… it's quite another to have Charisma that, as you're about to realize for yourself, Attracts and Captures CASH… LOTS OF CASH!

This is one of the MOST EXCITING videos we've ever released because of the magic-like
transformations we've seen. It COMPLETELY UPLIFTS YOU from stressed, uptight,
overweight, hard-core… into a light-weight, freedom bound, high volume communicator…
"*Minister of FUN, Happiness & Wealth".


Now Temporarily "Pre-Released" To The Public:  Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating
Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video.


"I used this video for 30 days and, seriously, my whole life changed. I got a HUGE "lucky
break" and extra money started rolling in almost immediately. The BEST part of it was
that I FELT GREAT THE WHOLE MONTH! I've never had so much FUN making money! Nelson this
is amazing! I can't wait to meet you face-to-face! Thank You So Much!" Tom Jenkins, Norfolk, VA USA

Download Here and See Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video For Yourself Right Now — Today!

After watching Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal
Video, you do it like this:

- You embrace the chance to make people FEEL better and see if you can help make THEIR life

- You have a solid confidence in your ability to gain trust AND quickly determine what a person
wants & needs to make their life better.

- You naturally/ automatically eliminate social anxiety because of your focus on helping others.

- You possess an "Attractive Internal Excitement" that exudes and attracts fun, friends and BIGTIME financial opportunities.

- When you KNOW what you want, you do not hesitate! You ALWAYS take action immediately!

Download Here and See Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video For Yourself Right Now — Today!

Imagine these beliefs guiding your subconscious mind:

- I Feel Fresh, Loved & Pure!
- I Feel Energetic & Hopeful!
- My Energy Attracts People!
- My Energy Attracts Money!
- I Feel Faith & Kindness!
- I Am Curious & Encouraging!
- I Am Powerful & Profitable!
- I Am Clean, Loving & Happy!
- I Am Content, Colorful & Excited!
- I Emotionally Excite Others!
- I Offer Simple Fun Solutions!
- My Solutions Create Massive Money!
- I Communicate Hope, Happiness & Humor!

Download Here and See Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video For Yourself Right Now — Today!

What is your life like?

What do you do?

What do you act like?

How Does It FEEL?

You FEEL It In 10 Seconds!!

Download Here and See Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video For Yourself Right Now — Today!

This is a temporary "pre-release offer"…
ONLY available to THIS LIST…
ONLY available to YOU for a limited-time.

Of course, there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!

Download Here and See Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video For Yourself Right Now — Today!

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

Download Here and See Pleasurable Profits III, The Cash Captivating Charisma High-Powered Subliminal Video For Yourself Right Now — Today!

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