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Subliminal Advertising Messages
Subliminal Advertising Messages

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Power Mind Mastery VII, The Marketing Multi-Millionaire!

When it comes to money and "getting the job done", YOU DO IT!

It's no coincidence you are reading this letter.

While you do have the option of sitting over there on the sidelines, or watching the games from the stands...



You Are A Marketing Multi-Millionaire in 5 Minutes!

Here are the commands on this Subliminal Video 2.0 from Nelson Berry:

1- I Am A Marketing Multi-Millionaire in 5 Minutes!
2- I Make It Happen Now!
3- Love is The Foundation of My Life!
4- Commitment, Discipline and Ambition Come Naturally!
5- I Am In The Top 1 % of Money Makers in the World!
6- I Love Money and Love To Make Money!
7- Making Money is Fun and I'm Good At It!
8- I Do What I Am Trained To Do And That Is Get Rich!
9- I Am Smart, Intelligent and Tough All The Time!
10- I Did It! I Made My Dreams Come True!
11- I Am A Marketing Genius & Take Action Quickly!

"I used this video for 2 weeks and it changed my life. My confidence went through the roof and THEN in those 2 weeks, my income is up 400% so far."
-Tim Candy Scottsdale, AZ USA

You get what YOU want by doing 2 things:

A- Prepare Properly!

B- Go Get It!

If A is done properly, B is easy.

If you want it, here it is.

Download Here:

With Respect,


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