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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Subliminal Paradise I, The Prosperous Pleasure Subliminal Video

Subliminal Paradise I, The Prosperous Pleasure Subliminal Video
Paradise is a WONDERFUL Place To Live!
- Things go YOUR way without you having to "control" everything.
- Love is Plentiful AND Easy.
- Your "Life of Paradise" shines on others, who then...   also...   shine on others...   and so on.
- Life is Bountiful with PLENTY of CASH & TOYS to experience everything that life has to offer.
- You thoughts feelings and experiences are FULL COLOR, 3-D, Real-Time Experiences of Love, Prosperity and Pleasure.
"I Love This Video! The Subliminal Paradise I, Prosperous Pleasure Subliminal Video has, I think, Inspired and Created MORE Fun, Good Feelings and Financially Rewarding Opportunities "Fall Out of The Sky and Land Right In My Lap". It was no coincidence that I made $10,000 last month up
from $2500 the Month Before. Thanks for helping me change my life and make it fun again! I Love This!!"  Rich Thompson, Miami, FL USA
Now Released...
Subliminal Paradise I, The Prosperous Pleasure Subliminal Video!
If You Haven't SEEN Paradise Yet, You're About To!
Click Here to Download Today:
The footage on this video is exceptional. It contains places, experiences, thoughts and feelings that you would typically associate with *Paradise*. The difference is, YOU GET TO GO TO PARADISE EVERY DAY -- not just 2-3 weeks out of the year.
And that's just the beginning...
The final destination for your use of this video is already pre-determined!
Imagine thinking, feeling, loving and experiencing *Paradise* -- ALL THE TIME!
It's Your Job!
Now that you are living in Paradise all day, each day...   how do you like it?
Here are the Subliminal Audio & Subliminal Video commands on Subliminal Paradise I, The Prosperous Pleasure Subliminal Video:
- I Experience Love From Myself and Others Constantly!

- I Have Acquired The Good Fortune of Serenity, Happiness and Power!

- My Life is Fun and Filled with Great Feelings, Great Friends and a GREAT Lifestyle!

- My Image of Paradise Grows Daily and My Income Increases to Match & Manifest It!

- I Experience Paradise Every Day!

- I Am Excited About My Life AND My Future!

- I Feel Blessed, Lucky and Grateful to BE FREE!

- I Love Helping Other People Experience Paradise Every Day!

- Love, Good Luck & Laughter Are Constant In My Life!

- I Gladly Take Immediate Action Each Day To Experience Paradise!
Click Here to Download Today:
There is a Problem.
We have a limited license on the footage of these videos, which means that we only have a few hundred of these available at this moment. This is not footage that you can just go down the street and get with your video-cam. These are Mouthwatering, High Quality shots of "Paradise" from
Around the World.
"Emotionally Arousing" Is An Understatement!
You Will SEE What I Mean In Just a Moment...
There is Absolutely No Risk To Try These Videos Out for 60 Days.
Click Here to Download Today:

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages
PS.  This will sell out quickly, so please act fast -- right now -- today!

Click Here to Download Today:

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